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Pvt. William F. Madden
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Navy Cross
Silver Star

Antiaircraft fire fills the sky over Yontan Airfield

Sugar Loaf Hill

Marine Raiders Crossing a stream on Guadalcanal

Dan Daniels

George Daniels Dan's twin brother George.
Fought in World War II for the US Army

6th Marine Division Cemetery
Final resting place of 1,697
gallant Americans

Men of the 2d Battalion, 22d Marines hoist the American flag over Ara Saki
the extreme southern tip of Okinawa.

Marines landing on Okinawa. The horizon was hidden by ships as far as the eye could see.

Marines from the 22d organizing
a machine gun position
in a battered house North of Agat (The man sitting on the crate was identified as Dorondo Panicali. It was explained that he normally was the machine gunner, but during “slow” times he would take turns sitting as the loader to take a break. He received the Purple Heart after being wounded on Guam as being part of the 22nd Marines.

Troops from the 6th celebrate V-J Day