Reunion & Medals Information
The Last Division
For more information on the last Sixth Marine Division Reunion you can view the January 2022 edition of Leatherneck Magazine at
How to get your Medals and Service Information Reissued
All too frequently I hear from family members of deceased veterans searching to find information on the military service of a loved one. You can obtain most of the needed information easily from the OMPF (Official Military Personnel Files) of the National Personnel Records Center (Military Personnel Records). For the most part it is as easy as completing and mailing the Standard Form (SF 180).
Military Personnel Records
9700 Page Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63132-5100
Obtaining Replacement Medals
(Replacement medals may be requested by ANY veteran OR their next of kin)
Veterans are entitled to ONE REPLACEMENT set of their medals earned. To obtain replacement medals, submit a duly filled out Standard Form (SF 180). It is recommended that you include a copy of your DD 214, however if that is not available you should include pertinent information in your request (e.g. full name, service number, social security number, date of birth, and as much additional information as possible.)
DO NOT mail the SF 180 to the address listed on the form. Requests for replacement medals should be directed to the specific branch of the military in which you (or the veteran for whom you are applying if request is being made by next of kin) served.
Bureau of Naval Personnel
Liaison Office Room 5409
9700 Page Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63132-5100
The Standard Form (SF 180), Request Pertaining to Military Records, is recommended for requesting medals and awards. Click on the link above to download a PDF version.